Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Green Correspondent

Going Green what does it really mean? I would like hear from you, what do you think it means to go Green? For me going Green is about us living a better and healthier life. It is us taking action now to be part of the solution to the challenges of global warming and climate change. It is also about national security, international peace, environmental justice and supporting American workers. Many people believe it is ultimately about the survival of our species. Now with the price of gas at $4.00 per gallon and electricity rates going up, going Green should also be about us saving our hard earned green. What ever your reason for going Green, I look forward to taking the Greening journey with you so together we will create a better future for ourselves, families and our children.

Several weeks ago I was able to attend with The Voice Editor the Green West Expo, together we took the Metro 76 bus to the Los Angeles Convention Center. It was the ideal way to travel to downtown Los Angeles, having no parking worries ($$) and a short walk to our destination. Once at the Convention Center we entered an amazing smorgasbord of Green products from household cleaning solutions to all electric cars. Yes, there are now Green products for almost everything we do and buy. It was a great opportunity to see some of the latest products hitting the market. It might take doing a little searching, but more and more stores are selling Green products and if for some reason they are not, I encourage you to please ask them to get with the Green program.

What is your carbon (CO2) footprint? It is hard to believe it, but the average American creates though our electricity, transportation, food, and products about 20,000 pounds of CO2 each year. This is the world’s biggest carbon footprint. As you know this collective impact is having a detrimental affect on our environment. Thus, these are six steps I have taken to reduce my carbon footprint and hopefully we should all take to go Green while saving green.

1. Take the bus, bike or walk to work at least once a week.
2. Change our light bulbs to the compact florescent lights.
3. Eat less meat and more fruits and vegetables.
4. Turn off the lights when leaving rooms.
5. Buy less of everything.
6. Encourage those around us to do the same.

Additionally, I am part of a non-profit, Who will save earth?, which has the mission to support people and communities to go Green. If you are interested in receiving a free carbon footprint assessment, finding ways to go Green or if you would like to start a Go Green Now project at your work, school or church please give us a call at (323) 774-1236.

In the mean time please take a look at these two great videos.